Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Entrepreneurship | 0 comments

There has been enough talk about the importance of having a positive and focused mind when confronting the different challenges of life, overcoming difficulties, or that such virtue is necessary for the quest of dreams.

The scenarios can be extrapolated to themselves and conclude that having a reverse mind to the former would be equivalent to fleeing to the challenges of life, feeling defeated before difficulties, and unable to fulfill dreams or expectations.

Is it possible that you are part of this group, that you have negative thoughts, that your mind is sabotaging you, and ruining everything and you are not yet aware?

Experimentation has taught us that two people in similar circumstances and obliged to solve the same problem can freely and spontaneously choose different possibilities and that their decision obeys simply to their free form of being. But this way of being is determined by their way of thinking, which is governed by patterns of behavior; in this case, it is thought patterns that create paradigms. But the paradigms are not congenital, so we think the way we think because we learned to think like that; about ourselves, life, or our abilities. So the mind can adopt a tendency to think negatively as a priority, particularly when faced with difficult situations of pressure or decision.

And I’m getting into a matryoshka here, but if it starts from the point that the mindset is preponderant to conquer what you want in life, and the mindset is in many cases incorrect because that was learned at the time, mindset composed of thoughts. Therefore, it will be necessary to pay continuous attention to these thoughts in order to find out what their natural, negative, or positive inclination is.

Even more important is the understanding that the human mind is never empty; there is no state of no thought at all, it is always in a continuous process, it never stops, as long as it works, it is always thinking in one way or another. It is its quintessential essence, a mind without thoughts makes little sense, it would be like an empty vessel. However, the vast majority of thoughts circulating in the brain occur below the radar of conscious awareness, which means that although the brain is processing, you are not aware of what you are thinking and this is where the importance of permanent observation lies, in order to correct every sign of negative thinking or contrary to your aspirations.

If you are thinking that this line of thought is not important due to being an unconscious state, you are wrong. Being aware of thought only indicates that you now have knowledge of its existence, not that it was not there indefinitely.

This series of thoughts under the radar and whose character is of a negative order are those that must be attacked, and given due attention because they may be the culprits of adopting an inexplicable and automatic incorrect mindset. In simple words, it is a sabotaging mental state, which gives alarm signals and promotes doubt, and fear, and then renunciation and failure. It is a mindset that does not like pain, worry, nor stress, that does not want challenges or discomfort. Its purpose is to protect the individual, even if this means the renunciation of any ambition or desire for growth.

That mindset is an enemy. That series of thoughts must be detected and corrected, the exercise would be to ask yourself during the day “What am I thinking of at this moment? Do these thoughts help me? Am I motivated? Am I focused? Am I generating confidence?”
And this can be done anywhere: in the middle of traffic, while you have coffee, or at work in a difficult or demanding situation. In this way, incorrect thoughts are detected and supplanted by powerful thoughts of success and confidence. It is redirecting the mind to make sure that you are always focused and committed to taking things forward.

A perfect example would be procrastination. Because when this happens and the priority of time is diverted to make unimportant things, even knowing that there are very important pending commitments, waiting to be resolved. hen comes the whole feeling of guilt, a great charge of conscience because time was deliberately lost; that is to be totally out of focus, lost, and disoriented.

There, if the distracting thought had been detected at the right time, and replaced by positive words such as “focus, focus, focus” “I need to do this. I want to do this. I’m going to do what I have to do and only that …” and I will not stop until I get it.” That would be a revolutionary change in the thinking matrix of the brain, a decisive change in the level of production and effectiveness to meet the goals!

The permanent repetition of new positive ways of thinking as an alternative, instead of listening and attending to the disorder and lack of control of thoughts that invite fear and to give up, will be a powerful tool, a superpower to take control over life and overcome that self instinct that restricts you and overprotects you.

Something very useful is to make a list of positive, motivating, super-powerful words or phrases to use as a mantra and so on to write whenever a negative thought is detected: “I am good.” I am capable. I am efficient. I am a compliment.”

Being a high-performance professional should be a goal for everyone who reads these words. Your skills and knowledge will give you the tools, but the vision, focus, and determination will build the road and build bridges where there are abysses. The quality of the mental state and the high flight of the thoughts are moldable characteristics. We will have to relearn if it is necessary because we will accept predetermined things unless they are for good things and for what suits us. I want a programmed and predetermined mind to succeed. And you? Are you interested? Pay attention to your thoughts.



Europa press  “Científicos descubren cómo el cerebro transforma la información inconsciente en pensamiento consciente” 

Investigación y Ciencia “¿Es posible no pensar?”

Brendon Burchard “How To Reprogram Your Mind”

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