4 Steps to Reach Your Customer

The sales funnel is one of the most influential tools today in digital marketing. It has become an icon of our time and is undoubtedly transforming an entire generation since it has been consolidated for a long time.
Since the nineteenth century comes this terminology of the “Sales Funnel” and its consequent acronyms (AIDA) that have been worked in ancient trade very effectively, and that even today is used by small, medium, and large companies in a successful way, so more and more tools that innovation and technology have brought us over the years.
In this way, the AIDA method (ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE, ACTION) is a model that describes the sequential effects of an advertising message and of this way to get the customer to purchase the product.
There are 4 steps for you to lead the customer through your sales funnel:
1- ATTENTION: you have to capture the attention of your buyer persona, who is the personification of your ideal client, and once you achieve it, you will have to take the next step.
2- INTEREST: Once you have attracted the attention of your client, now you must cause him interest, and this is achieved by being empathic with him, you must convey this interest.
And that is the reason why the product should make you curious.
3- DESIRE: Desire is a key part for your client since what you must do is to demonstrate your product or service and show them that it is functional.
For him, and in this way, you will get him to want the product and want to take the next step.
4- ACTION: This is where you have to make the customer buy your product. Once you have answered all his doubts and objections, it will be very easy to give in.
This final step is so that you can build loyalty with your customer.
But it doesn’t end here, you have to make your sales funnel functional and lead the customer to the sales process over and over again; Here you have to do remarketing for those customers who have visited your store only once so that they return you must contact them with email marketing tools among others, so you will achieve frequent customers in your store while maintaining loyalty with old customers, from This way your community will grow and you will have great potential when it comes to using your sales funnel correctly.
You also have to keep in mind that you must be constantly reviewing your funnel, as you know the market is constantly changing and strategies must be renewed as required, so you will know exactly why your sales funnel is not working and how to correct errors so that your flow of customers remains active over time.
Here I share a book with you where you will find all the information you need: Different sales funnels, sales funnel automation, sales metrics, different sales funnel techniques, how to drive traffic to your sales funnel… etc, so enjoy!
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